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These generous donations, often pledged over multiple years, create powerful and essential opportunities for our students and teachers. In many cases these contributions help to create endowed programs, establishing significant enhancements to the quality of school life while at the same time providing a lasting legacy for the donor.
Leadership Giving donors demonstrate a generous commitment to our school by making an annual gift of $10,000 or more to our Powering TanenbaumCHAT annual giving campaign. These supporters are recognised on our ever-growing donor wall in our Hall of Honour. You are invited to join other community leaders who have invested in our future.
Departmental and Subject Graduation Awards are a unique opportunity to endow a gift to TanenbaumCHAT. In perpetuity, an award will be granted to a deserving student at the annual graduation ceremony. Our students appreciate this especially meaningful recognition. Many donors choose to honour the memory of a loved one with this gift.
The following departmental and subject awards are available for sponsorship: